8-Week Beginner Program
8-Week Beginner Program
Pre-Habilitation Stretches
- Pre-Hab Stretch Routine Video
- Ankle Rotations
- Calves
- Piriformis
- Glutes
- T-Spine
- Shoulders
- Cat Camel
Movement Preparation
- Crossbody Arm Swing
- Shoulder Rotation Hitch Hikers
- High Reach w/Rotation
- Leg Swing
- Lateral Leg Swing
- Spinal Rotation High Knee Marches
- Overhead Drop Squats
- Deep Squat Overhead Rotations
- Dog Pointers
- 90/90 stretch
Mini-Band Work:
- Shoulder Complex
- Front
- Side
- Rear
- Hip Complex:
- Leg Swing Forward
- Leg Swing Forward @ 45deg
- Lateral Leg Swing
- Leg Swing Rear @ 45deg
- Leg Swing Rear
- Lateral Walks
- Half Squat Adduction
- Glute Bridge w/abduction
- Lying Leg Extensions
- FlutterKicks
- Lying Adductors
- Hip Activation Video
Dynamic Stretches
- Walking Knee Hugs
- Walking Leg Cradle
- Frankensteins to Forced March
- Drop Lunge
- Bear Crawls
- Reverse RDL's
- Forward/Reverse Handwalks
- Lateral Handwalks
- Scorpians
- T's, Y's, I's, W's
- Hanging Scapula Shrugs
Plyometric Development
- Drop Squats 2 to 1
- Base Rotations
- Base Side to Sides
- Single Leg Hops
- Split Jumps
- Lateral Bounds w/stabilization
- Ankle Jumps
- Reactive Step Ups
- Get Ups
- Plyo Push Ups
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Med Ball Chest Pass
- Med Ball Lateral Pass
- Med Ball Granny Toss
Strength Training
- Beginner Single Leg Squats
- TRX Single Leg Squats
- Starter Squats for Strength
- Proper Squating Technique
- Butt Wink Squat Techniques
- Overhead Body Weight Squats
- Box Step Ups
- 45 deg. Box Step Ups
- Lateral Lunge
- RDL's Single Leg Deadlifts
- Glute Bridge with Leg Curls
- Reverse Lunges
- Calf Raises
- TRX Sprinter Lunges
Back Exercises:
- Deadlifts
- Beginner Dumbbell Rows
- Bent Over Rows
- Cable Rows Close Grip
- Bent Over Flys
- Lat Pull Downs
- Pull Ups/Chin Ups
- TRX Rows at various angles
Chest Exercises:
- Flat Bench (single arm)
- Incline Bench (single arm)
- Push Ups single leg
- Cable Crossovers
- TRX Beginner Push Ups
Shoulder Exercises:
- Front Raise
- Dumbbell Military Press
- Stabilized Military Press
- TRX T's, Y's, I's
- T's Y's I's L's
- Side Plank Rotations
- TRX Face Pulls
- Hammer Curls in lunge position
- Stabilized Dumbbell Curls
- Standing EZ Bar Curls
- Dumbbell Extensions
- TRX Tricep Extensions
- Resistance Band Extensions
Full Body Exercises:
Core Development
- Core Development Beginner Routine
- Beginner Ab Routine
- Oblique Seated Rotations
- Med Ball Boxes
- Med Ball Figure 8's
- Med Ball Chops
- Resistance Band Rotational Extensions
- Stability Ball RussianĀ Twist
- Stability Ball Reverse Crunch
- Stability Ball Bridges
TRX Suspension Trainer Exercises: